Opens images created with CorelDRAW and exports them into formats that are easier to manage like BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG or TIFF.
CDR Viewer is free for use software tool. This viewer can be used to open/display CorelDRAW image files and gives you and options to convert .cdr file types to other image file formats as .jpg, .gif, .png, .tiff and .bmp. CDR stands for CorelDRAW and this extension is proprietary format used by Corel software. CDR format is not recognized by most image programs and to save to other image formats it needs to be opened in CorelDRAW and then exported in other format. With CDR Viewer there is no need to have installed CorelDRAW to display or convert CDR file formats.
Except viewing and converting CDR file types, CDR Viewer supports resizing of CDR images. CDR file format contains information as vector or geometric images and that contribute to resize (reduce or enlarge) CDR images without losing any quality.